Do you know what happiness is? - To deal with children, to be surrounded by them but what' s really important is to get along with them. If you succeed in this you will definitely have got a priceless opportunity to feel like a kid too.
Last friday we were so lucky to realize that we have not lost our playful side. Thanks to RBSM school , who took a chance of having last summer days and organized kite festival for their students, we found ourselves involved in the event too. It was held in Mellieha beach - one of the most attractive and popular destinations in Malta.
The festival was arranged properly. Everyone could take part in, including both students and teachers. Participants were divided into several teams, the aim of each was to construct, design and make a kite fly. Competitive but friendly atmosphere was followed by musical background - the students have been playing fancy drums, called djembe (a rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands) and doumbek (a single head membranophone with a goblet shaped body used mostly in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe) in order to call the wind out.
It felt like a great adventure. There was no better way to spend a day in the fresh air having fun than enjoying and taking part in it. We all shared our great vibe in the most basic of ways. There is just something about feeling a thrill just from doing something where you aren’t spending money just to have someone or something amuse you. All the fun is created from our imagination and appreciation of what is around us. Priceless.
By the way, our team kite's name was СЧАСТЬЕ, which means HAPPINESS.
Smile, have fun, enjoy yourselves and stay tuned in ;-)
Kindly yours,
Mira and Lana!
Вы знаете, что такое счастье? Для нас - это возможность быть среди детей, которые делятся своей удивительной энергетикой и заставляют нас почувствовать себя ребёнком тоже...
В прошлую субботу, воспользовавшись все еще по-мальтийски летней погодой, школа RBSM выбралась на песчаный пляж города Mellieha и устроила там настоящий праздник музыки и красок.

Команда арт-отдела, учителя и старшеклассники организовали фестиваль воздушных змеев, в процессе которого каждый желающий мог не только запустить, но и смастерить, украсить и разрисовать его на свой вкус.

Мы присоединились к этому мероприятию, клеили, рисовали, запускали и на какое-то время снова почувствовали себя детьми! Хочется сказать большое спасибо школе RBSM за такой чудесный субботний денек и ребятам, которые помогли нам соорудить и "почти" запустить нашего счастливого воздушного змея! А всем читателям пожелать всегда оставаться беззаботными детьми, где-то там, в глубине души ;-)

Улыбайтесь чаще,
Ваши Мира и Лана!
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