Tuesday, 23 April 2013

"U Bistrot". It's all about U.

"U Bistrot is the new concept bistro set to take your taste buds by storm. Dedicated to serving the tastiest genuine food produced using the freshest of ingredients that are packed with natural succulent goodness in a welcome atmosphere." (с)
Can' t help proving out each word written above. 100% agreed. 10 points out of 10. No exaggeration - we mean it.
Every single time we pass by this cafe we keep believing in eternal and very simple issue - if you are eager to succeed at whatever you stick to, do it with all your heart, love, desire, passion and keep it up. Yes, that's what we exactly feel while being there - "U bistrot" crew doesn't only serve subtle dishes, they serve attitude. You are treated as nice as everyone deserves to be treated, they indulge both your stomache and mind and you can't wait to get back again soon. Fair enough, isn't it?.
We assure you we come over to "U bistrot" quite often, either to work on our blog or just to chat, laugh, read or simply to be silent - any of our personal occasions is appropriate for this place. To be honest, we can' t even remember a day when we were greeted without a smile or careful attention over there, the mood is always on. No excuses. All or nothing. And we definitely share the approach, lifestyle - to say it correct.
One says the devotion is somewhat never out of fashion. Can' t disagree indeed. And those guys' devotion to their cause is extremely high and inspiring, they courage us to dream big, set up the goals and keep doing bravely what we are committed to. Do what you love and love what you do - easy as that.

"U must do something exciting every day. U must enjoy your life. U must exercise. U only have one body, use it in any way U can. It's the greatest instrument U will ever own. U must care for your friends and family. Understand them. U are an individual. U and U alone make your own choices. Maybe U will get rich, maybe U won't. U will fall in love. U win some, U lose some. U must have a balanced, healthy diet. U are what U eat. Who are U?" (c)

We are two russian girls - Mira and Lana. And we love U! ;-)

p. s: Neverending thanks to the team of "U bistrot" cafe (http://www.ubistrot.com/) and the photographer Cristian Nicodimescu (http://www.facebook.com/CristiNicodimescuPhotography?fref=ts) for being professional and patient with us:-)


Работать в уютной и позитивной обстановке, попивая ароматный кофе вдвойне приятно! А когда тебя еще окружают внимательные, дружелюбные и талантливые люди, работа автоматически превращается в сплошное удовольствие!

Видимо, именно поэтому наши сердца уже давно покорило это маленькое, солнечное местечко на самом берегу моря. Мы приходим сюда поработать, поболтать, посмеяться, почитать и даже помолчать, в общем, каждый раз, когда только выдается такая возможность!

Думаю, в этот раз не нужно больше букв, лучше побывать там один раз и окунуться в эту уникальную атмосферу, чем без конца об это слушать и читать о нем! Нам очень хотелось поделиться нашей находкой и показать вам, что наши посты действительно пропитаны улыбками и позитивом! Итак, мы представляем вам наш самый обычный рабочий день в нашем любимом U Bistrot!

Искренне Ваши,
Мира и Лана.

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